Saturday, August 23, 2008

Post Baby Hair and Ina

The baby is up at dawn and Ina Garten is making pear and apple crisp on TV. I want to go to her house for dinner. I will be like Jeffrey and say, "This is the best dinner ever", so she will cook for me again. I am going to talk to her about making more side dishes. I think people like a little choice.

OK, so the baby is 7 months old now. How come my hair still sucks? It was falling out for a while, then it slowed way down and now I am going bald again. What's the deal? I don't get to sleep, at least let me have some hair! It's curly/frizzy and when I put product in, more comes out. I am either frizzy with hair or smooth and balding. I am feeling like George Costanza.

Please let this baby go back to bed soon. 5 hours is not enough.

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